The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world socially and economically. To combat the virus India imposed a total lockdown on the movement of its citizens across and within the various sates. People in the bigger cities continue to face the brunt of stringent lockdown rules whereas smaller towns and cities have seen a partial easing of the curfews due to lesser number of corona virus cases. However, many of the small-scale businesses are still under locks with a scarce chance of opening in the near future.
I was confined at home, in the small industrial city of Jamshedpur for two months. After the gradual relaxation of the lockdown rules, I started venturing around going to my favourite places in the city to which I had longed to go for a while. Everything looked different especially with fewer people and masked faces all around going about their day-to-day lives in a bid to get back to where they were, with a sense of urgency to make up for the lost time.