Dhriiti is an endeavour to promote and protect entrepreneurship in its different forms and to build and create a spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the next generation of Indians. Dhriiti believes that self-employment and entrepreneurship is an important tool to counter the problem of widespread unemployment and underemployment in the country. Dhriiti works on developing the complete value chain to allow small & micro enterprises to grow and flourish.
Godrej collaborated with Dhriiti for the Repurpose Project which aims to provide livelihoods to women by repurposing old clothes and industrial waste cloth to create hand crafted utility products.

Sewing workshop classroom in Khajuri Khas, New Delhi

Skilled tailors sort the multi-coloured waste cloth collected from different parts of the city. They are highly skilled artisans belonging to a conservative community from North Delhi

Cutting a scrap piece of cloth

Juxtaposing the various cut pieces

Deciding on the design of the final product

Making patterns with the cut pieces

Measuring the dimensions of the final product to fit the need

Customers visit the workshop to buy customised products made from waste cloth

A newly trained girl being instructed on how to use the tailoring machine

25 women have been trained under the Repurpose Project making them socially and financially independent

Sewing the edges

And the borders to perfection

They are extremely passionate about weaving and work for hours turning scrap into beauty

After sewing it is ironed to bring it into shape

The rough edges are cut out

Leaving behind a smooth and fine product

Workshops are held simultaneously next to the workspace

Developing a team building spirit within the participants

Young kids from the Khajuri Khas and nearby ghettoes actively participate in these workshops after school

It gives them an opportunity to interact with new people and develop new skills

Dhriiti has been able to create a space for these young talents to explore their potential and unchain them from the shackles of society
Supported by: Dhriiti: The Courage Within